*fallen in love with Doctor Who and David Tennant once more*
Okay, my episode synopsis followed by Tom's:
I always seem to love these rare Doctor Who episodes and I think that might be partly because there are so few. Same with Torchwood, when I haven't seen something I love for a long time it seems so much better then it really is.
Anyhow I didn't like Christina much, I found her a bit annoying and full of herself.
I love David Tennant's comic timing and the way he delivers his lines, really makes it all so much funnier.
I actually didn't like the two creatures that had crashed, I found them a bit fake and too similar to other alien characters. Also when the first one walked in the shadows it looked like a weevil.
Another thing I didn't like was how at the end she flew off in the bus, it seemed a bit
But all in all I absolutely loved it, just amazing lines and an all round great episode. Bring on the next one and of course, Torchwood. ^_^
Also the awesome quotes:
The whole "We're made each other!" and when he's talking to that women on the phone and goes "Did you just salute?"
Also when Christina says "How does a crystal drive a bus?"
"In a super clever spacey way!"
And then at the end when the police dude says
"I'm arresting you too sir"
"Yes, I'll just step inside this police box and arrest myself"
The best one though was where the Doctor Goes:
"They believe me"
"I've got a very honest face... Plus the translator says I'm telling the truth... I do have an honest face though."
And now Tom's:
Time for why I loved it.
The gags. A staple of Doctor Who, particularly in RTD's episodes and they were used absolutely perfectly in this ep and I was laughing from the start. As usual, RTD has the gift of slotting in gags wherever possible whilst still not detracting from the tension and horror of the plot. Spot on!
The companion. Michelle Ryan was perfect for the role and reminded me a lot of The Doctor's daughter with her action style. She was the perfect foil for The Doctor and even got in the obligatory kiss.
Malcolm. I adore Lee Evans and his role was the perfect bit of comic relief for this episode. Every scene with him in leaked brilliance and his over-exaggerated accent and slapstick had me giggling non-stop.
The plot. Over-stepped what I was expecting for this as I saw it as more of a filler before all of the heavy regeneration storyline got going. However, it was so much more than that and every time there was a sciencey little plot reveal I reacted in the same way that Rose would have (very spock). Although, I was expecting more from that psychic woman other than just the set up of the Master plot.
The monsters. Perfect Doctor Who monsters. Seemingly unbeatable but The Doctor always finds a way, with a little help from his friends.
So basically. Awesome.
<3 you for posting mine for me. :)