Wednesday, 29 April 2009


OK, OK, I know I said before that I'd blog regularly, but at least I'm doing it, k?

Well, these last **looks at date of last post** 20 have been filled with work, (lack of) schoolwork, shopping & arguing :(

Ah well, life goes on

The bad news: My exams start in approx 2 weeks! :(
The good news: My exams (& therefore school year) finish on the 11th of June! ;D

Also, I'm in the market for a new phone. I'm currently torn between another Nokia 2610 (it's what I have at the moment) or going up a bit to the 2630 (both on vodafone pay as you go, which is what I'm on ATM) or else getting a blackberry 8100 (AKA pearl) on orange contract for £25 minutes. Decisions decisions...

Hmm, I hope to NOT ;) be in London on the 20th of June, but I don't know eitehr way yet, perhaps I'll know closer to the tiem.

Anyways, I'm off to make myself lunch, then go to IT class..
