Monday 25 May 2009


Wednesday 29 April 2009


OK, OK, I know I said before that I'd blog regularly, but at least I'm doing it, k?

Well, these last **looks at date of last post** 20 have been filled with work, (lack of) schoolwork, shopping & arguing :(

Ah well, life goes on

The bad news: My exams start in approx 2 weeks! :(
The good news: My exams (& therefore school year) finish on the 11th of June! ;D

Also, I'm in the market for a new phone. I'm currently torn between another Nokia 2610 (it's what I have at the moment) or going up a bit to the 2630 (both on vodafone pay as you go, which is what I'm on ATM) or else getting a blackberry 8100 (AKA pearl) on orange contract for £25 minutes. Decisions decisions...

Hmm, I hope to NOT ;) be in London on the 20th of June, but I don't know eitehr way yet, perhaps I'll know closer to the tiem.

Anyways, I'm off to make myself lunch, then go to IT class..


Saturday 25 April 2009

I'm Off A'Trecking!

To DofE!

It's 00:52 and I haven't even finished packing yet but I'm praying on an early start (PAH!) to continue my packing. Hoping I won't forget anything. :s

So anyhow wish me luck! I'm pretty excited and kinda nervous too.

Might be back blogging before my exams but that'll depend really. Hopefully I'll have the willpower to stay away from all you addictive people. :p

So see ya guys and have a good time without me! :)

Yema. xx

Sunday 19 April 2009


So, having been quite tongue in cheek about my moth problem in the previous post, it is now getting beyond a joke. Earlier this evening, I went into the kitchen to make a cup of tea. Having fended off several of the flying fuckers that attacked me as soon as I entered the room, I managed to start the kettle boiling. While I waited for it to boil, I decided to count the moths that I could see. I reached a number easily over twenty. At this point, they started to fly around and several of them landed on me. Those are the two things that I can't deal with about them: flying around me and landing on me. Hate them so much. >__<

Saturday 18 April 2009


War! Huh, what is it good for?
Absolutely nothing!

Welcome my friends to Tom's "War of the Moths!"

We had a similar problem with bees, we had a hive, despite the recent destruction of the hive and some rather deadly spray being sprayed into the loft, where it was, we still had endless numbers surviving from nooks and crannies around the house. A few simple bug catchers soon sorted it out. They are like cups that you part fill with honey, but they're designed so they cannae get oot again!

Genius laddie!

Friday 17 April 2009


Let me tell you all about the war that is currently raging in the Beasley household. This war is built upon the mutual loathing between myself and the ridiculously huge number of moths currently roaming around my house. I hate them because they are stupid bloody creatures that have absolutely no purpose and aren't fit to breathe any of my air. They hate me because I kill them on sight. xP

If I go downstairs in the evenings to make a cup of tea, I am instantly met by at least five of these bastards clinging to the wall of the kitchen. My first thought on seeing this is that it is okay because they are out of the way of what I'm doing. Of course though, as soon as I begin making my tea, these moths take off from the wall and commence flying around me. Part of me wants to commend them for the courage of being able to fly full pelt towards someone who is many many times bigger than them.

The next problem is the actual murder of these pointless things. Most of them fail to die after the first hit and require being actually crushed against a wall using the first blunt object you can find. Once they are dead, you are then faced with the dusty mess they leave on the wall and the blunt object you used to bludgeon the life out of then. As a result, both the kitchen and my room are splattered with the remains of moths. FML.

Having been living alongside and warring with these moths for a few weeks now, I have split them into two groups. There are the ones that stay in their resting place for ages and decided that remaining stationary is the best way to stay alive (which it is), but there are also the ones that fly around and just generally act like twats and think that is the best way to survive (which it isn't).

So, that was my slightly random and weird blog post. Hope you laughed at least a bit.


(Kudos to anyone who can name the film that the post title is a quote from.)

Tuesday 14 April 2009

I will do it

When I was at Swynerton I was writing notes on my phone so that I could do a full day by day write up of the camp from start to end when I got back. Well now I'm back, but I'll do it tommorrow. Mike out on that one.

With regard to obsessions though, they're bloody hard, I guess all I can say is that the thing you're obsessed with, taking the example of a boy, just find what you like about him and then find other boys that you like just as much. With music just search the entire genre for similar music you like too. Then the obsession isn't an unhealthy obsession.